Repairing the WorldWhen we were first married and new parents, we made a conscious decision to embrace the Jewish practice of tikkun olam with its focus on action and justice. We believed it was important to model our faith for our children …
Bridging the Spiritual GapIn America, approximately 89 percent of people identify with a religion. Faith traditions affect the way people interact with each other and with those not of their religion.
The Jesus of JusticeI'm a Christian. More accurately, I'm a Christian deeply formed by what many would call evangelical and Pentecostal sensibilities. I grew up in a rural Missionary Baptist Church, joined a large urban United Methodist Church in my teens, and cultivated …
Lord, Have Mercy!I have been going to church since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. In my nearly 37 years of attending Sunday morning services, Sunday evening services, Bible classes, pastors' anniversary programs and so on, I have learned one thing: The …
‘Something Wrong with Your Brain'The neurologist walked into the room and closed the door quietly behind her. She turned off the lights and went to her computer monitor.
Ring a BellAt the end of September, I took my vacation in Batesville. Unbeknownst to many--including the majority of Mississippians, I imagine--Batesville is the home to the Magnolia Grove Buddhist Monastery and mindfulness meditation practice center. For five days, 850 participants shared …
[Dennis] Happiness IsHow much of the information we exchange is worth communicating?
Imam in the MiddleIn June 2007, I took a once-in-a-lifetime 12-day trip to Turkey. During our stay, our group visited multiple historic and religious sites. What made this trip different from a typical tourist agenda was that we also visited schools, hospitals and …
The Wedding WomanWalking up to the blond brick building that houses Premier Bride of Mississippi's headquarters, I was nervous. I have interviewed people I respected before, but this felt different. This was Lynda Jungkind, owner of the bridal magazine I put under …
‘Tis the SeasonThis is the season for giving—and shopping! With so many local shops and boutiques offering a little bit of everything, shopping for your loved ones will be a breeze, even if you never set foot in a big-box store. These …
Azul DenimThis fall's fashion is all about denim, rich colors, earthy hues, feathers and fur. Azul Denim has it all. Azul has been a premier shop to get the hottest styles in denim for the past three years. It also stocks …
Owning My MistakeThe moment you sign the papers and the keys become yours, the education begins. It's not so much the information you're learning about the house or equity or basic maintenance; it's an education in how much you don't know.
Color Coding, RevisitedIf home is where the heart is, some people probably have heart disease. Just like we sometimes show our worst selves to the people we love the most, we often let our homes become reflections of the worst parts of …
Let Go and Move OnMost people have several reasons why they keep stuff they do not need.
Moving The Bad Stuff With Feng ShuiFeng (wind) Shui (water) is an ancient Chinese art that promotes peace and balance in your personal space by strategically placing items and omitting clutter. The Chinese believe that luck, when created, can enhance wealth and happiness in your life.