The Flat Broke DecoratorDecorating a home can be intimidating. Couple the intimidation factor with budgets so tight that Abraham Lincoln is squealing for mercy in our wallets, and the situation could turn into a crisis in which the would-be decorator is lying in …
Peace And TranquilityBetween traveling for work, phone calls, emails and a personal life, my day usually ends with me sitting in bed with a laptop attempting to catch up. The most relaxing thing to me is going to the spa and having …
The Joy Of Washing DishesIn one of Zen Buddhism's most famous stories, a new monk approaches his teacher after a meal.
Kick Your Bleach To The CurbMaybe I am a little too sensitive. Or maybe I am just weird. But the smell of bleach and other strong cleaning agents makes me want to run far, far away.
Housekeeping BluesThe relationship between you and your housekeeper is a special one. Whether you use a local cleaning company or have one regular housekeeper, you must put a certain amount of trust into this person. You trust them with your most …
Understanding ColorsAs a new homeowner or someone looking for a new home project, painting and decorating can be fun but frustrating when trying to decide on the colors and schemes to use. Knowing the basics about colors and using the color …
Living Out LoudI love color. I don't always wear a lot of it—I learned in New York City that black (and chocolate brown) makes you look skinnier, more chic and shows less dirt.
The Meanings Of ColorsColors attract or give off certain energies. They have symbolism, can represent or follow a trend and even heal, according to chromotherapy. It is important to choose the right colors because colors are powerful and can help create the atmosphere …
Color Me BrightIf you want to spark up your home or you're looking for the perfect housewarming gift, look to local businesses for bright and vibrant home accessories. Accenting neutral colors with a pop of red, yellow, turquiose or orange shifts your …
Mark's Man CaveWhen my brother-in-law, Mark, and his wife, Cathryn, were looking for a house a few years back, he knew that she would decorate it as she saw fit. Fortunately, the house they wanted to buy also had a 23-by-11-foot workshop …
My BoudoirWith all the talk of man caves these days, it can be easy to forget that it was women who had to fight for the right to have a "Room of One's Own," as Virginia Woolf declared it.
Solar RemodelI think about my retirement often and how great it has the potential of being. Then I panic thinking about whether we'll have enough, about the best strategy for saving and about where our hard-earned money will be the safest. …
My New PatioLiving in Arizona and Northern California gave me a greater appreciation for nature and enjoying the outdoors. In Arizona, I was able to enjoy the view of the beautiful mountains from my backyard. Arizona's richly colored rocks and mountains provided …
Everyone New AgainI'm a big fan of old things. Architectural salvage, vintage accessories, old books—I like the idea of things that have a history. Apparently, though, I'm getting to the age where I have a past myself.
One Zen Day at a TimeYou could call me an armchair decorator. No, I don't mean that I spend my spare time decorating armchairs; I mean I like little more than plopping into a big comfy chair, or propping up in bed, and reading about …