Set Do-Able GoalsMy main goal on the Road to Wellness has been to turn trips to the gym into a habit -- instead of a chore. That's tough for a guy who has never prided himself on a ton of will power. …
I Did It (Sort Of…)They say that if you do something 21 days a row, it becomes a habit. For me, if I actually remember to do something three times, it's a miracle. I'm proud of myself because within a two-week period, I remembered …
Bumps in the RoadMy Road to Wellness started all uphill but positive and has somehow taken a nosedive into procrastination, health issues, and sweets. What the heck happened and how did it all happen at once? I'm not exactly sure, but what I …
Feliz CumpleañosParties are nice, but a themed party will have your guests talking for a long time coming, if you do it right.
Courts Going DigitalA dash of transparency could be coming to Hinds County's court system in 2011 along with some newly elected judges. Mississippi Electronic Courts, a pilot program offering attorneys and members of the public online access to court filings, is on …
[Stiggers] Same Process, New TasteBill "Munchie" Wilson: "Greetings, Crunchie Burga World customers. I'm Crunchie Burga World's head dietician, here to introduce you to our new fall processed-foods menu. The dietary staff and I worked very hard to provide customers processed food with a new …
Each One, Paint OneNot only does Ginger Williams-Cook, 29, do portraits, abstract paintings, figure drawings and even artwork for restaurant tables, she is also a dedicated volunteer.
‘Tell Me a Story'I was born into a family of storytellers. Both sides, though they couldn't be more diverse—one rural Minnesota farmers of Swiss-German descent, and the other Mexican-Americans that hopped between Texas, Europe and the East Coast, finally settling in the Midwest—have …
Restoring the City's SoulFor Farish Street Baptist Church Senior Pastor Dr. Hickman Johnson, Jackson's Renaissance isn't just about rebuilding homes and businesses, but restoring the city's soul.
Simple to UrbanVisual Arts Chairwoman Martha Hamburg opened the eyes of some Power APAC students last winter during an arts project.
Inspiration BitesRobert Holleman's art is anything but ordinary. The artist's brilliantly colored wood-block prints of tarot cards are like an occult version of the Walter Anderson alphabet prints, which Holleman cites as inspiration.
Hailey Gets SentimentalJosh Hailey, a well-known and loved Jackson mixed-media artist, is moving to Los Angeles, Calif. But before he goes, he wants to showcase his work and send out a big "thank you" to Mississippians for the support they have shown …
Julep Fried Chicken, Oh How I Love TheeI would love to say that I have been good. I would REALLY love to tell everyone this. But, in order to keep a clean conscience and for the sake of my spiritual well-being, I must admit that have been …
Au Revoir to French FriesI have a love/hate relationship with french fries: I love them, they hate my gut. No, not my guts. My gut. The one that's there hiding my waist.
Eating with a Little Self-RespectOver the long Labor Day weekend we headed up to the Ozarks to see Donna's brother and sister in law. For decades they've been great eaters -- purposeful, careful eaters who take the job of fueling their bodies pretty seriously. …