Singer Kenny Rogers Dies at 81Actor-singer Kenny Rogers, the smooth, Grammy-winning balladeer who spanned jazz, folk, country and pop with such hits as “Lucille,” “Lady” and “Islands in the Stream” and embraced his persona as “The Gambler” on record and on TV, died Friday night. …
Tab Benoit: The Bayou Meets the BluesHow does a Cajun from Little Caillou, Louisiana get the blues? Tab Benoit lets loose a throaty guffaw when asked this question, fully appreciating the incongruity of who he is and how he got to where he is now: one …
‘Keeping the Blues Alive’ at Hal & Mal’sEach year, The Blues Foundation, known as the International Blues Foundation, recognizes individuals, businesses, organizations, and festivals from across the globe that have invested years and effort into upholding the musical genre during its annual "Keeping the Blues Alive" Awards …
Seth Power: 'Souvenir'Growing up, Seth Power found himself locked away in his room for several hours a day, writing songs with his new recording software. The only force that could push Power into emerging from his music lair was sports, as he …
Thalia Mara Hall: Winter Music(al) PreviewNow that we have entered the winter months of 2020, it's a great time to take a peek at the music-centered performances that Jacksonians can look forward to at Thalia Mara Hall before spring.
Jeffrey CorneliusThe Mississippi Jazz Foundation named Jeffrey Cornelius, a senior at Murrah High School, as the up-and-coming artist of the year during its 16th annual Night of Musical Artistry at Duling Hall on Nov. 29. During the event, the foundation honors …
2019 Soulabration RoundupAs the end of the year, and the end of the decade, draws nearer, lovers of soul music enthusiastically mark their calendars as they count down the days until the 2019 Soulabration, which will be held on Dec. 28 starting …
Mississippi Boychoir Brings 'Tidings of Comfort and Joy'A diverse group of young men have spent months preparing to bring holiday comfort and joy to the Jackson area, and it comes to fruition the afternoon of Dec. 14 at St. Philip's Episcopal Church.
Matthew West: Singing, Crying, ConnectingOriginally from the suburbs of Chicago, four-time Grammy winner Matthew West, 42, grew up playing baseball but possessing a talent for music that those around him encouraged him to pursue.
PJ Morton: #BuyBacktheBlockPJ Morton is a New Orleans-native musician, songwriter, vocalist and record producer. He was formerly a keyboardist and vocalist for Maroon 5 from 2012 to 2014 and was nominated for 2 Grammy Awards for his solo album "Gumbo" in 2017. …
Kern Pratt’s Long Road: ‘That’s the Blues’Mississippi may arguably be more awash with musical talent than any state in the nation. As the gestation point for the blues, the fertile football of ground between Vicksburg and Memphis is the wellspring of a profound musical legacy.
Vick AllenJackson native and soul-music singer Vick Allen said his interest in music started at a very young age. He sang in his church choir and also played the piano for the church.
Fantasia BarrinoFantasia Barrino is enjoying a freedom she says she has not felt in years, and it is all thanks to her independent album, "Sketchbook."
The Vernon Brothers, Hood Baby and the Barnacles, Arkansauce and FruitionArdenland holds its annual BankPlus International Gumbo Festival on Saturday, Nov. 9, at Smith Park. This year, proceeds benefit the Harold T. and Hal White Memorial Scholarship. At the event, attendees may sample various gumbo dishes and vote for their …